Capital Letter C (Beltsville, MD) IMG_5547 IMG_5688 letter T wood type letter T letter E letter R
typewriter key letter T Lowercase Letter O on Peeling Plywood (Takoma Park, MD) W letter N

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 129 - Intermountain Cup T-Shirt

No need to wear a public reminder of my, ah... accomplishments as a mountain bike racer.

From Junk

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 128 - Another Snowbird T-Shirt

Rode this on my cross bike, first decent bike I ever owned.

From Junk

Day 127 - Ugly Intermountain Cup T-Shirt

Based on the T-shirt design it should be called the uglyfest at the hollow.

From Junk

Day 126 - Snowbird Hillclimb shirt

Salt Lake has no lack of killer hill climbs... Snowbird, Big Cottonwood, Sundance, Powder Mountain, Snow Basin.

From Junk

Day 125 - Apple U T-Shirt

From a class at Apple Developer U on campus in Cupertino.

From Junk

Day 124 - Tour de France shirt

Bought on a street corner in Paris.

From Junk

Day 123 - COM is Love Shirt

From a Developmentor guerilla training course.

From Junk

Day 122 - Dog Cow Shirt

Purchased from the campus store at Apple back in the day when I wrote software for the Mac.

From Junk

Day 121 - Half Ironman Sweatshirt

Did I mention I completed a half ironman?

From Junk

Day 120 - Old Southpark Shirt

Damn straight I want my cheesy-poofs!

From Junk

Day 119 - Old Dustpan

Kept in the garage, formerly a dustbin but now being reclaimed a day at a time by this project.

From Junk

Day 118 - Worst. Movie. Ever.

From Junk

Day 117 - Movies from Costco

Much easier to rent via Netflix, with less clutter. Can't wait to try Wii streaming...

From Junk

Day 116 - Self Indulgent Crap

From Junk

Day 115 - iPackaging

To be iThrown into iTrash.

From Junk

Day 114 - Large Brimmed Running Hat

More tri gear. Now I wear small brimmed cycling caps...

From Junk

Day 113 - Bug Repellant

When you go to the Salt Lake travel clinic to prep for a trip to India, they make it sound like you're going to be squatting with Charlie in the bush. "Soak your clothing in bug repellant before you go! Take these anti-malaria drugs! Get every inoculation known to man! Smear your self with deet before you get off the plane!"

All this to prep for a stay in the most opulent hotel I've ever seen...

From Junk

Day 112 - Pedal Boxes

From Junk

Day 111 - Race Number Holder

From back in the tri days.

From Junk

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 110 - Old Prescription Glasses

...In a case that didn't come with the glasses...

From Junk

Day 109 - Bird Feeder Boxes

Why did we keep these?

From Junk

Day 108 - More Containers

More containers, stashed away for years unused in a box, which is really another kind of container.

From Junk

Day 107 - Iced Tea Maker

Probably should have asked about this one, but I got caught up in the momentum.

From Junk

Day 106 - Iams Cat Jacket

As featured on people of walmart

From Junk

Day 105 - Misc XMas Containers

Just because the packaging is metal, doesn't mean we must slavishly retain it.

From Junk

Day 103 - Cat Canister

I can has precious container?

From Junk

Day 102 - Most of a Coffee Maker

Not sure where the rest of it went... between the fancy machine my spouse bought me for xmas one year and my French press, this is no longer needed.

From Junk

Day 101 - Broken Saddle

Somehow a low speed tip over broke this saddle.

From Junk

Day 100 - Half a Pair of Boots

The other boot disappeared without a trace ages ago. I guess it's not coming back.

From Junk

Day 99 - Still More Old Race Shirts

Shirt from the first big cottonwood hill climb I did... citizens divisions. Nothing like getting non-licensed riders to be interested in racing by chiding participants for violating USCF regulations regarding jersey sleeves.

From Junk

This has to be the world's ugliest event T shirt... unfortunately the ride organizers are so enamored of it they reuse it year after year.

From Junk

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 98 - Old Race Shirts Part 2

Another cascade run off shirt. I did my fastest six miles ever... middle of nowhere somewhere in the woods close to the coast... sunrise after little sleep; blew it out in a tad over 36 minutes. Caught my team flat footed as they hadn't staged the next runner yet.

From Junk

My first and last marathon. Nothing like bussing you 26 miles out into the desert to motivate a finish. Ultimately too much running...

From Junk
Another cascade run-off. I think this was the year I took the lead off run - all downhill from Timberline lodge. Set personal bests for 2 miles (9 minutes!), 3 miles (14 minutes!) , and so on. Paid the price by losing all the skin off both heals due to massive blisters, which made the remaining legs of the relay a chore.

From Junk
The local 10k, held on pioneer day, which is bigger here than the 4th of July.

From Junk

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 97 - Old Race Shirts Part 1

Shirt from the first multi-sport race I ever did - 5K run, 30K bike, 5K run. Former Olympian marathoner Frank Shorter was in the race too, still killing it if I recall correctly.

From Junk
Triathlon shirt from back in the day before I focused on the one true sport, cycling. Ironically cycling was my weakest leg in triathlon (little has changed there) but the one I enjoyed the most.

From Junk
Hood to coast shirt from 1992 - they knew how to do a garishly colored shirt back then.

From Junk
Older Jordanelle shirt, from one of the first years the bike portion was on road.

From Junk
30 K warmup 2weeks prior to the trail's end marathon.
From Junk

T Shirt from the very first Jordanelle triathlon, which was an off road race. I won the raffle for a wet suit, a guy who I shall refer to only as V. entered the clydesdalle division to win the timex watch for first knowing full well he was at least 20 lbs underweight, and my friend Bob smoked me so bad in the race he was on the massage table before I started the run.

From Junk

My first Triathlon... didn't think I would survive. I was freaked out by the super cold lake water and the swim, but settled down when the guy with only one leg passed me. The mountain bike with the huge vertical into the thin air put the hurt on, and the final run was more of a limp, but nevertheless I was able to nut it out.

From Junk

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 96 - Another Old Water Purification System

No longer needed, cute spelling of the work pure not withstanding.

From Junk

Day 95 - Xmas Death Book

This was the textbook from a course  taught by one of the book's authors. We were assigned a massive take home final/project be done over Xmas break one year, which essentially eliminated the R&R from the break. Upon returning from break, we learned the professor had died over break...
From Junk

Day 94 - Hand Mixer

From back in the hunter-gatherer days before domestication and the accompanying stand mixer.

From Junk

Day 93 - Old Text Books

Looks like a high school book...

From Junk

Day 92 - Incinerator

This was fatally coated with wood dust and grease - just add heat and whoosh!

From Junk

Day 91 - Dirt Magnet

I could not use this without my chain turning black, regardless of how quickly or thoroughly I wiped the chain after applying.

From Junk

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 90 - Old Water Filtration System

Before we owned a modern refrigerator, there was this.

From Junk

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 89 - Old Wall Clock

Fun little clock... would tick backwards, followed by a double tick forwards. It's been garaged for a decade though, so time to go.

From Junk