Capital Letter C (Beltsville, MD) IMG_5547 IMG_5688 letter T wood type letter T letter E letter R
typewriter key letter T Lowercase Letter O on Peeling Plywood (Takoma Park, MD) W letter N

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 90 - Old Water Filtration System

Before we owned a modern refrigerator, there was this.

From Junk

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 89 - Old Wall Clock

Fun little clock... would tick backwards, followed by a double tick forwards. It's been garaged for a decade though, so time to go.

From Junk

Day 88 - Old First Person Shooter Game

This one was a lot of fun, the plot line wasn't reprehensible (defending the ship against hostile alien invaders), and cheats to unlock the goods were readily available.

From Junk

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 87 - Old VB Book From Costco

Not sure why I bought this one...probably back in the day when we build server side COM MTS components using J++, integrated into IIS using ISAPI pre COM+ days.

From Junk

Day 86 - Old Technical Books

These were actually complementary copies of books I tech edited on the side for Sybex, back in the day.

From Junk

Day 85 - Old School Car Audio Adapter

From before the days of iPod compatibility or aux ports.

From Junk

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 84 - Myst Sequel

Software that does not run on modern operating systems...

From Junk

Day 83 - Broken Portable CD Player

It's broken... why did we not throw it away?

From Junk

Day 82 - Old VHS Tapes

Between NetFlix and the iTunes store, why bother with bulky old video tapes?

From Junk

Day 81 - Half My Old Painting Supplies

Why keep two boxes of painting stuff to not paint with, when I can not paint with a single box of supplies?

From Junk

Day 80 - Cannondale Mountain Bike Shirt

Affiliation with road cycling and knowledge of the Official Rules of the Eurocyclist renders this garment unwearable. Plus it's an XL and road riding has whittled me down to an M.

From Junk

Day 79 - Point and Shoot Film Camera

From Junk
Digital cameras made the taking of bad photos much cheaper and convenient.

Day 78 - D Cells

The LED flashlight quenched my appetite for D cells.

From Junk

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 77 - More Corporate Hats

What's with large corporations and hats?

From Junk

Day 76 - Gevalia Coffee Container

Gevalia Coffee Kaffe canister... unused, easily replaced if the need for overpriced average tasting coffee ever strikes.

From Junk

Day 75 - Old Baby Dish

Made from a known-bad plastic, discarded in favor of an unknown-bad plastic.

From Junk

Day 74 - Unneeded Soap Dispenser

Bought a new faucet the included a matching soap dispenser - no need to keep this one, which incidentally did not fit and sat if the garage for several years.
From Junk

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 73 - Cassette Tapes

8-Track slayer they were, slain by the digital age.

From Junk

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 72 - Corporate Hat

Nothing will rally the troops than being given a hat with your project's name on it... apart from cash, dinners, paid leave, bigger workspace, new computers, car service, training, conference attendance, better parking, jeans days, etc. 

From Junk

Day 71 - A Shoe

Second half of a pair of child's shoes, the first half of which had been disposed of several months earlier.

From Junk

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 70 - Outdated Book on Parallel Programming

From the stone ages...
From Junk

... before the invention of multicore processors.

From Junk

Day 69 - Books on Legacy Microsoft Technology

From the olden days before dot net... when men were men and could bootstrap any endeavor with IUnknown... when COM threading models provided grist for the conversation mill.

From Junk

Day 68 - Oracle Version 6 SQL Manual

From back in the day when a printed manual was a prized possession... before online documentation and Safari books online...

From Junk

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 67 - Speedo

Pretty safe bet guys in their mid-40s should not wear these in public.

From Junk

Day 66 - Misc Running Gear

Gear from that most hateful of sports.

From Junk

Day 65 - Triathlon Race Kit

I can scarcely believe I ever wore this get up. Thinking about this the other day was so startling that I almost dropped my leg-shaving razor onto my skin suit.

From Junk

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 64 - Apple Fanfare T-Shirt

A much hyped UI improvement with Donald Norman behind it. Managed to survive the crush at the WWDC  to snag one, only to look at it back how and thing, "now what?"

From Junk

Day 63 - Dead Lemmings Society Hood to Coast Shirts

Good times, silly shirts.

From Junk

Day 62 - Metroworks Code Warrior Shirt

I actually regret (well sort of) not being able to wear this as I'm down to an M from an XL. Hats off to the crew at Metroworks - I remember the transition to this compiler cutting compile time from 30 minute to 2 minutes - that's the sort of leap that will make you weep with joy.

From Junk

Day 61 - Apple World Wide Developers Conference Shirt

Ugly then, ugly now.

From Junk

Day 60 - Xmas Lights

Xmas lights the reportedly had slightly different color than the strands they were meant to supplement, which meant in addition to buying these two, it meant buying n + 2 and getting rid of the previous lot to make sure the colors matched.

From Junk

Day 59 - Bike Tire Pressure Gauge

My shop pump has one built in, and I wouldn't carry this with me on a ride, so what's the point?

From Junk