Capital Letter C (Beltsville, MD) IMG_5547 IMG_5688 letter T wood type letter T letter E letter R
typewriter key letter T Lowercase Letter O on Peeling Plywood (Takoma Park, MD) W letter N

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31 - 2009 Date Book

Given it now 2010 and this was never used, there is no need to keep it.
From Junk

Day 30 - Old Skateboard Wheels

We replaced these wheels with some better wheels. I now question the reasoning behind indefinitely retaining crappy wheels as a contingency replacement for a set of slightly less crappy wheels.
From Junk

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29 - Lock Ring

Lock ring for a replaced cassette on a bike that was stolen > 10 years ago.

From Junk

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 - Old Keyboard and Mouse

Probably won't be replacing the first gen iMac this keyboard and mouse are designed for.

From Junk

Day 27 - Undergrad Music Appreciation Sonic Materials

Completely unnecessary in the age of iTunes and eMusic.
From Junk

Day 26 - Old Shoes

Why throw out old shoes when you can make some slip-ons out of them? Because they're ugly and they clutter up the place.
From Junk

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25 - Disappointing Autobiography

By any measure this should be an inspiring story, someone at the peak of their sport suffering a horrible accident, then fighting their way back to the top. As written, the story is delivered with a lot of whining - apparently the world cup ski lifestyle isn't all one would think it is. Maybe it was the translation, but I don't have the space, nor do I want a whine cellar...

From Junk

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24 - Finisher's Medallion

Good race, but not an earth shattering accomplishment by any means.

From Junk

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23 - Serial Port Device

It's been replaced with a USB device, and I no longer own a serial port equipped computer... off to the slag heap with it.

From Junk

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22 - Old Tire Sealent

From back in the day, before the Slime Lite tube...

From Junk

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21 - Box of 8-Track Tapes

The pimpin' 76 Cadillac was gone long before cash for clunkers... time for the 8 tracks played on its sound system to go too.

From Junk

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 - Mountain Bike Drivetrain

Worn out drivetrain stripped off a mountain bike during a single speed conversion, inexplicably retained.

From Junk

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 - Old Storage Device

Not much use for this in the day of the $5.00 2GB flash drive hanging with the odds and ends in the supermarket check out.

From Junk

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 - Odds and Ends for Tuning Skis

There are two camps - the keep everything optimally tuned, and the strap on the boards and go camp. As a member of the second camp I fail to see the need to keep edge beveling tools and p-tex on hand. I can have the skis professionally tuned twice a decade anyway...

From Bike Commuter SLC

Day 15 - More Old Packaging

Hmmm... a theme is starting to emerge...

From Bike Commuter SLC

Day 14 - Old SPD Pedals

These should have been tossed years ago - SPD pedals scavenged from a friend's bike after an encounter with a car. The wreck rendered on side of this particular pedal useless.

From Bike Commuter SLC

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13 - Performance CP300 Pedals

Old Look knock-offs from performance, which were challenging to clip into, and of course used a proprietary cleat. I have not used these for a least a dozen years.

From Bike Commuter SLC

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 - Cleat Packaging

Sure, there's the extra shim, plus a sticker,,, but why stash away the packaging?

From Bike Commuter SLC

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10 - Old Memory Chips

Pretty sure I won't want to downgrade my compute power, the underpowered netbook fad not withstanding...

From Bike Commuter SLC

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - Non-bib Shorts

At some point if you are into cycling long enough you'll switch exclusively to bib shorts. They are more comfortable, eliminate gaps between short and jersey, and are more PRO. Just remember... pee first, apply embrocation second if you are in the 'leg up' school.

From Bike Commuter SLC

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8 - Broken Cutters


Day 7 - Old Chain Rings

Why would I keep a old 52 (too small) and an old mountain bike chainring?

From Bike Commuter SLC

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - Broken Camera

Odds are I won't be sending a first generation 3MP camera in for repair.

From Bike Commuter SLC

Day 5 - Hitler's Saddle

When you pick it up it seems like a decent saddle... well made, reputable maker. Just don't ride it, unless you don't value your junk.

From Bike Commuter SLC

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - Consumer Electronics Packaging

Somehow it gets out of hand. You buy a gadget, and stow the box in case you need to return it, or send it away for service, and somehow you hang on to the box for longer than you hang onto the device.

From Bike Commuter SLC

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3 - Unearned Trophy

While doing a biathlon 6 weeks after starting a family might be a moral victory (more so if you were the one who actually gave birth), what sense does it make keeping the overall winner's trophy when you were the only one who choose the biathlon over the triathlon?

From Bike Commuter SLC

Day 2 - Magazines

In the Internet age, what sense does it make keeping magazines around when a subscription offers online access to the content?

From Bike Commuter SLC

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1 - Expired Secure Id Token

Easing into it - a secure id token used for VPN authentication. It has expired, and should be discarded... why hadn't I discarded it?

From Bike Commuter SLC